Are you thinking about regaining your great smile?
Dental Veneers may be just the solution. Requiring less tooth cutting than conventional crowns the thin porcelain coating can be used to re-create (or create) a natural tooth look with more strength and stain resistance than tooth colored filling materials.
What are dental veneers?
Dental veneers are custom made coating of porcelain that are bonded onto your own tooth. Veneers can close gap, restore chipped teeth and correct minor alignment issues. You can walk away with a brighter, more regular smile.
How much will veneers cost?
Come and make an appointment today with us and we can let you know. Without seeing your particular needs and talking to you we cant really guide you towards the result you really want.
The things we will talk to you about include how many teeth and the color match. You don't want to pay more than necessary and you also don't want to have one perfect tooth if this wont "blend" into your natural appearence. We also wont do veneers if they are not going to be strong enough to give you a good life span.
How long will veneers last?
Veneers will need to be replaced at some point, even with the best of care by you and us. We will look at the way you bite your teeth together, your age and the health of your gums to give you an estimate of the time you can expect from porcelain veneers.
Are veneers just for movie stars?
No, people of all ages and stages can have veneers. There will be other choices available for you and that is why it is important to let us help you make a great decision for your dental health and appearence.
Tags: Veneers, Porcelain Veneers, Cosmetic Dentistry
Mon-Fri 9am-5:30pm
Sat 8:30am-1pm
63 Police Rd
VIC 3170 AU
Dr Daphne Ong BDSc (Melb)
Dr Cedric Ong BHSc/MDent